Monday, September 10, 2007

Ovarian Cancer

Important Facts Concerning Women's Reproductive Health

Women's Reproductive Health: What You Should Know

This article addresses some of the key issues regarding women's reproductive health. A careful reading of this material could make a big difference in how you think about women's reproductive health.

Women's reproductive health, though often neglected, is very important to a woman's health, especially as it relates to child bearing and women need to acquire a good understanding of their reproductive system so that in turn they will realize just how important their reproductive organs really are. A woman seeking a better perspective concerning women's reproductive health should also understand how her hormones in addition to her organs come together to develop a monthly cycle. Women's reproductive health is also subject to the right nutrition due to the fact that the food they consume will affect and influence their reproductive system's functioning.

Understanding The Relationship Of Hormones and Organs

A woman may frequently experience abnormal changes in her body and this has an immediate impact on their menstrual cycle and can cause difficulties in becoming pregnant. To maintain the health and consistency of a woman's reproductive system, women need to schedule routine Pap test. A Pap smear test that may appear to be abnormal often causes anxiety and concern among women even though it is not necessarily a sign of cancer or the risk of developing it in the future.

Given the fact that cervical cancer is the second most common cancer other than breast cancer, taking a Pap smear test is essential as it significantly aides in properly identifying early warning signs of possible cancer and also contributes to stopping further growth of cervical cancer. Cancer has a devastating impact on women's reproductive health and aside from cervical cancer; women will likely have to be very concerned with ovarian cancer or uterine cancer. In addition, she may also develop ovarian cysts, chronic pelvic pain as well as fibroids.

Now that we've covered some of the core essentials of women's reproductive health, let's turn to some of the other factors that need to be considered.

We need to also keep in mind that women's reproductive health isn't only focused on the pelvic region because even the breasts are an important part of women's reproductive health which enables women to breast feed their children for months or years. The danger of developing breast cancer is a serious worry to women's reproductive health which may cause damage to the breasts and lead to infertility. In the example of a woman who has had a mastectomy it may be devastating to have just one breast, but using reconstructive surgery technology, it is now possible to rectify this condition.

Some other concerns that are detrimental to women's reproductive health are when the reproductive system becomes affected by infections such as yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis even though these are treatable conditions. However, pelvic inflammatory disease can cause scarring and even infertility if not detected in time. Those who only know one or two facts about women's reproductive health can be confused by misleading information. However, this is easily avoidable by active reading and research. In conclusion, women should schedule regular visits to their doctors and keep their health a top priority.

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